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Zee-Way Services

[v 2.5 BETA 9]

Note: This beta is a public BETA and could potentually be buggy. Please do not use your copy of BETA 9 as a production copy without properly backing up your current files and database. Report any bugs to kanderson [at] zee-way [dot] com or the support forums.

*Made ZPanel modular so you can add your own attachments to ZPanel or disable the ones you don't want shown.

*Added a [Backup] feature to the MySQL Config. It saves the dump of their database into thier-home-directory/_Backups/

*Users may now choose what template/theme they see. They select their theme via the Profile module.

*Added server/database/user information to the Welcome page in the Admin Panel.

*Integrated Paypal payment method with IPN. Watches for refunds/denials done through the paypal interface and will debit the account so their account returnes to how it was before they sent the funds.

*Client tracking system. Know where they're logged in from, what page their on, and more! (also works with the EXE client)

*Advanced MD5 password encryption to keep passwords safe.

*Option to send a welcome e-mail to a new user, with customizable message.

*Password recovery option on login page (through e-mail).

*Link on Admin panel to return to user panel, as well as a total redesign.

*User tracking - know where everyone is (realtime).

*Password Management (htaccess).

*Dynamic META charset, now found in the language files .

*New PM pop-up notification.

*Custom error messages per user.

*Customizable Redirects (htaccess)

*META Generator

*Auto "Under Construction" page on new accounts.

*Better Private Messaging system

*Rebuilt the billing page
